20th April 2016 Co-operative Group Board supports Party subscription benwest The Co-operative Group's Board has recommended that Group members vote yes to continue their partnership with the Co-operative Party.
19th April 2016 Tackling the Crisis in Health & Social Care John Boyle Party Support and Principle Six Officer Members in Shropshire along with users and providers have been exploring the main issues facing Health and Social Care Services and how co-operative solutions might help.
14th April 2016 Co-operative Party first political party to be awarded Fair Tax Mark Claire McCarthy Former General Secretary The Co-operative Party has received a clean bill of health in its tax affairs, becoming the first political party in the UK to be awarded the Fair Tax mark for tax transparency.
11th April 2016 A Co-operative London For All Londoners Sadiq Khan Writing in Co-operative News, Labour's candidate for London Mayor Sadiq Khan sets out how co-operative values and principles will shape his approach as Mayor.
4th April 2016 CAN Campaign: Abolish Unpaid Internships Shane Brogan Membership Manager Unpaid internships are bad for business and bad for young people at the start of their careers.
18th March 2016 Only 1 in 10 young people feel business is on their side – The Co-operative Group is working to change that Gavin Shuker This National Apprenticeships Week, a report by the Co-operative Group is bringing the opinions and voices of young people into the conversation.
17th March 2016 Scottish Co-operative Party Backs Credit Union Charter Richard McCready Political Officer (Scotland) Co-operative Party MSP candidates have backed ABCUL's charter calling for Scotland to become a 'Credit Union Nation'
16th March 2016 Co-operative Party Budget Response Claire McCarthy Former General Secretary The Chancellor's budget is a failed opportunity to drive up productivity and to create an economy where the proceeds of hard work are shared
16th March 2016 The Future of Co-operative Schools benwest Party General Secretary Claire McCarthy responds to plans to convert English schools to academies