Annual Conference 2022 – TIMETABLE & update

Issy Oozerally
For attention of:
18th July 2022
Last updated:
10th August 2022
24th February 2025
Other formats:

For the attention of Party Officers (Secretary & Chair) and Secretaries of Subscribing Societies

Annual Conference 2022

from crisis to co-operation

We are delighted to be once again coming together in-person for this year’s Annual Conference at the Queens Hotel, Leeds for this year’s Annual Conference.

Delegates and Delegate Fees:

All Party Councils and Subscribing Societies are required to send delegates, in the case of the Party Councils based on the size of your organisation.  To date the majority of organisations have advised that they will be sending delegates.  However we must know their names by Friday 9th September by email to The deadline for any ‘early-bird’ discount has now passed and delegate fees are as follows:

  • Weekend Standard – £195
  • Weekend Youth – £145

Delegation meet ups:

In order to discuss your delegation voting positions, it is advised that Party Council and Subscribing Societies Secretaries arrange a Zoom meeting for their delegation in advance of Conference.  If you need assistance with arranging this, please contact

New delegate training:

In the 3-years since our last in-person Conference we have had a large number of new members who may not have attended Conference previously, some of which may be your delegates. The Conference Arrangements Committee (CAC) are  holding an informal ‘new delegate training’ session on Zoom on Thursday 6 October at 6pm to run through arrangements in advance and answer any questions related to Conference.  Please advise your delegates to register to join this Zoom event by clicking here: New Delegate Training

Conference accreditation:

All nominated delegates will receive their Conference pass at the hotel from the Party’s registration desk on the ground floor.  This will be open from 8.30am on Saturday 8th October.   In addition, lead delegates will be provided with a voting pack – please ensure you advise the name of your Lead Delegates by 9th September.

The Conference also welcomes ex-officio attendees (ex-officio are members of the NEC, Labour and Co-operative members of the UK, Scottish and Welsh Parliaments and the London Assembly, Labour and Co-operative Councillors, Police and Crime Commissioners and Elected Mayors, Elected members of the National Youth Committee and Networks Steering Committees, Members of the UK Parliamentary, Scottish and Welsh Parliamentary Panels, and Members of the Conference Arrangements Committee). Ex officio attendees are able to speak in debates but are not entitled to vote – members can register for an ex-officio place here: 

One-day and Weekend visitor passes are also available for members and non-members by registering here:  Visitors have no speaking rights (up to the discretion of chair) or voting rights.  Please note that any non-Party members attending will be required to provide proof of ID.

Policy submissions:

The deadline for policy submissions is now past.  These are now with the NEC Policy-Sub Committee, who will make the policy papers available for review online from 16 September here:

Membership subscriptions:

The recommendation for membership subscriptions for 2023 will be also be made available from 16 September here:

Organisational motions:

The following organisational motions have been received by Conference Arrangements Committee:

Any amendments must be notified in writing to the CAC Secretary at no later than 2nd September 2022.

Rule changes: 

Any rule changes will be also be made available from 16 September here:


We are making arrangement for creche facilities, if required.  Please advise if you require this facility by Friday 9 September.


A number of bedrooms have been reserved on a first-come, first-served basis at the Queen’s Hotel for the Saturday night – at the rate of £188 for bed and breakfast.  In addition, a number of rooms have been made available on Friday 8 October at £150 for B&B for those who have requested them.


The hotel is fully accessible.  If your delegates require specific accessibility requirements in terms of showering (rather than a bath), please advise.  In addition there are a number of rooms suitable for wheel chair users – if you require this please advise by Friday 9 September.

Conference Arrangements Committee (CAC) Election:

CAC governs the procedure of the business of Conference.  The CAC is composed of five persons: two elected by ballot at each Annual Conference (one to serve for 3 years and one to serve for 1 year) and a fifth member from the NEC. These are currently Peter Smith – chair. Lis Telcs, Jackie Jones, Theresa Vaughan and Preet Kaur Gill MP (NEC representative). Lis Telcs and Peter Smith’s terms of office end in 2022.

Please contact myself – Issy Oozeerally, Events Co-ordinator – at if you require a CAC candidate nomination form. Nominations should be received no later than 2 September. No more than one representative can be elected from any one region, so members in Wales or Yorkshire and Humber will not be eligible to stand this year.

Achievement awards:

Our Recognition Awards are a small way that we can say thank you to those members who have played a big part in helping developing the Co-operative Party. The Awards are open to all members, recognising those who have made a lifetime of contribution to the movement, as well as those who may have joined more recently but have made a big impact already. You can nominate any member, officer, councillor or elected representative.  Please click Recognition Awards to nominate.

Dates and times (provisional programme): * 

Mon 3, Tues 4, Wed 5 October on Zoom

Parliamentary reports from Westminster, Cardiff Bay and Holyrood:

  • Monday @ 6pm – UK
  • Tuesday @ 6pm – Wales
  • Wednesday @ 6pm – Scotland

Thurs 6 October on Zoom

  • New delegate training at 6pm

Saturday 8 October,  Annual Conference Day 1: *

11am-11pm: Showcasing Co-operative Politics – including keynote speeches, fringe events and conference marketplace.  Followed by evening networking and awards event.

  • 8:30 registration opens
  • 11:00 Plenary:
    • CAC report – Peter Smith
    • Chair’s report – Jim McMahon MP, Chair of Co-operative Party & Shadow Secretary of State for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
    • Keynote: Rachel Reeves MP, Shadow Chancellor
    • Panel debate: Doubling the size of the Co-operative Economy (speakers tbc)
  • 12:45 Lunch
  • 13:00 Fringe events
  • 14.30 Plenary
    • Keynote speakers include Lisa Nandy MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
    • Panel debate – Co-ops in Power (speakers include Mayor Tracy Brabin and others tbc)
    • Panel debate – From Crisis to Co-operation (speakers tbc)
    • 17:00 Campaigning sessions on themes including #Food Justice, Modern Slavery, Fan Ownership, Green Retrofitting, Channel 4 & BCC, Co-op Housing & Renters Reform
    • 18.45 Campaigning sessions – end.
  • 20.30 Social Enterprise UK sponsors the Co-op Party’s Networking event including Recognition of Achievement Awards

Sunday 9 October,  9:00am-2pm: Annual Conference Day 2*

  • 9:00 Training
    • Prospective Parliamentary candidates
    • Party Council Secretaries & Chairs
  • 10:00 Plenary:
    • General Secretaries Report
    • International Development – Policy debate with Preet Gill MP, Shadow Secretary for International Development
    • Health – Policy debate with Wes Street MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Health and Social Care.
    • Conference Business – including organisational & emergency motions, policy votes, membership subscription & CAC election
  • 14:00 Conference ends

* Exact sessions and timing may be subject to change.

Issy Oozeerally 
Events Co-ordinator

Action Points
For more information

Issy Oozeerally

Events Officer