Briefing:Annual Conference 2025 From: Issy Oozerally For attention of: All Party Members, All Party Officers Published: 27th January 2025 Last updated: 30th January 2025 Printed: 13th March 2025 Other formats: Print For the attention of Party Officers (Secretary & Chair) and Secretaries of Subscribing Societies Annual Conference 2025 We are pleased that we will once again have the chance to come together in-person for our Annual Conference which will be held on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th November 2025 in central London. This year the event will be held across two days (with online events taking place ahead and just after the weekend). Dates and times Annual Conference Day 1, Saturday 15th November, from 11am: Showcasing Co-operative Politics – including the chair’s address, keynote speeches, fringe events, and conference marketplace and policy. Followed by evening networking and awards event. Annual Conference Day 2, Sunday 16th November, 9:30am-1.30pm: Delegate & ex-officio only: Policy debates and votes on organisational motions, membership subscription & CAC election Delegates and Delegate Fees All Party Councils and Subscribing Societies are invited to send delegates (your delegation size will be advised in your grant letter). Delegates should represent the diverse nature of our Party, including a 50% gender balance. Delegates to Conference do not have to be the same as those attending the AGM. You can register your delegates by completing our Conference Delegate Registration Form. The deadline for the ‘early-bird’ discount is Friday 2nd May 2025. Fees are as follows: Weekend Standard Delegate- £145 – Early Bird Weekend Youth Delegate – £95 – Early Bird Weekend Standard Delegate – £195 – Late Booking Weekend Youth Delegate – £145 – Late Booking Accessibility: we are committed to ensuring that Conference is accessible and inclusive for everyone. To help us meet the needs of your delegates, please let us know any specific accessibility requirements before 1st October so we can make the necessary arrangements. Thank you for helping us create an inclusive event. Safeguarding and Code of Conduct: all attendees will be required to abide by the Co-operative Party’s Code of Conduct. See here: Events Code of Conduct – Co-operative Party Any young person attending under the age of 18 must provide us with signed permission from a parent/carer. Accommodation Accommodation for delegates is being managed externally on behalf of the Co-operative Party by Trust Reservations at the hotels listed below (costs include VAT). Please email indicating the number of bedrooms that you would like to reserve, which are available on a first-come, first served basis. To note: Travelodge Tower Bridge Hotel has steps outside and electric wheelchairs may not fit through some doors, London City would be better for any guests that need disabled access. If you have any other specific accessibility requirements and require an accessible room, do advise Suzzanne at this stage. Friday 14th November 2025 Travelodge London Tower Bridge – Lloyds Court Business Centre, 1 Goodman’s Yard, London E1 8AT – 25 Double rooms with breakfast £211.50 Saturday 15th November 2025 Travelodge London Tower Bridge – Lloyds Court Business Centre, 1 Goodman’s Yard, London E1 8AT – 50 Double rooms with breakfast £211.50 – 50 Super Double with breakfast £221.5 Travelodge London City – 20 Middlesex St, London E1 7EX – 50 Double rooms with breakfast £201.50 Trust Reservations will invoice you direct on behalf of the Co-operative Party. Rooms must be paid for 8-weeks before the event, otherwise you will lose any reservations made. Policy submissions Our annual conference is the culmination of our annual policy process, details of how to take part in this consultation will be provided separately. In order to be included, all submissions to the Party’s policy consultation must be sent to by Friday 13 June at the latest. Organisational and emergency motions If you have an organisational motion, please email it to Issy Oozeerally by at by Friday 13 June. No motion concerning a general policy or principle that Conference has voted on shall be considered for a period of two years from this Conference (unless this, in the opinion of the NEC, is of vital importance and urgency). No organisation may submit more than three motions and three amendments. The deadline for any emergency motions to be submitted is 5pm on Saturday 15 November. Please refer to the Rule Book for more information. Conference Arrangements Committee (CAC) CAC governs the procedure of the business of Conference. The CAC is composed of five persons: four elected by ballot at in-person Annual Conferences (to serve for 4 years) and a fifth member from the NEC. These are currently Lis Telcs (South); Jackie Jones (Wales) and Chris Wilson (NEC Representative). There are currently 2 vacancies and we will be voting to fill these places. Nominations should be received no later than 27 September via the CAC Nomination Form. No more than one representative can be elected from any one region, so members in the South and Wales will not be eligible to stand this year. Achievement awards Our Recognition Awards are a small way that we can say thank you to those members who have played a big part in helping developing the Co-operative Party. The Awards are open to all members, recognising those who have made a lifetime of contribution to the movement, as well as those who may have joined more recently but have made a big impact already. You can nominate any member, officer, councillor or elected representative via the Member Recognition Form to nominate (nominations to be received by 27 September). Deadlines and dates for your diary May Friday 31st: AGM – Deadline for registration of AGM delegates June Fri 13th: Conference – Deadline for submission of organisational motions & policy submissions. AGM – deadline to amend or substitute delegates. Sat 28th: Co-operative Party Ltd AGM (online) July W/C Monday 7th: Conference – preliminary Conference agenda published (i.e. organisational motions, membership subscriptions and rule changes) September Saturday 13th: Co-operative Party Equalities Conference (online) Friday 27th: Conference – deadline for responses to Rule Changes; Organisational motion amendments; CAC candidate nominations and award nominations October Friday 17th: Deadline for registration of Conference Delegates & Launch of Conference Website November Saturday 15th: Annual Conference Day 1 – 11am to late Sunday 16th: Annual Conference Day 2 – 10am to 1pm Issy Oozeerally Events Co-ordinator ContentsAnnual Conference 2025Deadlines and dates for your diaryMayJuneJulySeptemberOctoberNovember Action Points Obtain the 'early-bird' delegation rate for Conference 2025Advise the number of delegates your organisation will send to Conference 2025. Names can be sent at a later date. (More) Arrange a meeting to discuss Policy Discuss whether your organisation (Society, Party Council or branch) wants to submit a response to the Policy consultation. Contact members re attending Conference on 15 & 16 NovemberContact members of your organisation (Society, Party Council or branch) and ask who would be interested in being nominated as a delegate to Conference. Do note they would have to make themselves available to travel to London 15-16 November. Member Recognition awardPropose a co-operator for a recognition of achievement award (More) Nominate a representative for the Conference Arrangements CommitteeContact members of your organisation to see if they would like to stand for election to the Conference Arrangements Committee. (More) For more information Issy Oozeerally Events Officer