Briefing:Annual General Meeting Minutes From: benwest For attention of: All Party Officers, Party Branch Secretaries, Party Council Secretaries, Regional Secretaries Published: 3rd November 2017 Last updated: 7th December 2017 Printed: 24th February 2025 Other formats: Print Minutes of Annual General Meeting held at Methodist Central Hall, Westminster on Friday 13 October 2017 Present 230 delegates from 40 local parties and affiliated organisations were registered to attend. Annual Report and Accounts The General Secretary presented the Annual Report and Accounts for 2016 and outlined forward plans. Following questions, the Annual Report was accepted on a show of hands and the Accounts were accepted by 64,351 votes to 0. Auditors Crowe, Clark and Whitehill were reappointed as Auditors for 2017. Rule Amendments Rule Change 1 – submitted by Oxfordshire Party Rules of Co-operative Party Ltd. National Executive Committee Composition 11.1. National Executive Committee Members shall comprise the following: 11.1.1. eleven National Executive Committee Members elected by and from individual members on the basis of one member one vote. The National Executive Committee will approve the election procedures to be used. One Member shall be elected by and from Scotland; one by and from Wales; and one each by and from the nine Government Regions of England. Proposed change to clause 11.1.1: 11.1.1 twenty-two National Executive Committee Members elected by and from individual members on the basis of one member one vote. The National Executive Committee will approve the election procedures to be used. Two Members shall be elected by and from Scotland; two by and from Wales; and two each by and from the nine Government Regions of England. 11.11. At least nine Members of the National Executive Committee will form a quorum. Proposed change to clause 11.11: “11.11. At least fifteen Members of the National Executive Committee will form a quorum.” Amendment to the proposed Rule Change – Submitted by Central England Eastern & Southern Party Proposed change to clause 11.1.1. Add at the end the following words: At least one of the two members from each of the English Regions and from Scotland and Wales shall be female. The amendment was accepted by the movers. The proposed rule change, as amended, was lost 2,460 (for) to 34,267 (against). Rule Changes proposed by the NEC Rule Change 2 – Rules of Co-operative Party Ltd. Rule 10.1 Delete: The Party is to hold a general meeting (called the annual general meeting) within nine months of the end of each financial year, normally at the same venue and on the same occasion as the Annual Party Conference. The annual general meeting is to be convened by the Board Secretary by order of the National Executive Committee. Insert: The Party is to hold a general meeting (called the annual general meeting) each year, normally at the same venue and on the same occasion as the Annual Party Conference. The annual general meeting is to be convened by the Board Secretary by order of the National Executive Committee. Carried: 36,500 (for) to 2,989 (against) Rule Change 3 – Section C – Annual Conference Delete: Nominees for the CAC should be delegates to the Conference Voting for the CAC will be on the same basis as card votes at Annual Conference. Insert (and renumber accordingly): Voting for the CAC will be by one member, one vote by those delegates present and voting. Carried: 38,950 (for) to 1,518 (against) Rule Change 4 – Section D – Co-operative Party Disciplinary Committee Withdrawn Rule Change 5 – Section E – Membership Rules Insert new rule 9 (and renumber accordingly):British and Irish Citizens resident overseas may apply to join the Party as an International Member, subject to payment of the applicable International Members’ fee and all other membership conditions. Carried: 36,404 (for) to 132 (against). Rule Change 6 – Section E – Membership Rules Rule 12 Delete: No member may become an officer of the Party, or a representative on any public body or organisation to which the Party is affiliated, until he/she has been a member for six months since the date of their membership qualification as outlined in these Rules. The NEC shall have the power to waive this restriction temporarily in the case of a newly formed Branch, Society or Voluntary Party. Insert: No member may become an officer of the Party, or a representative on any public body or organisation to which the Party is affiliated, until he/she has been a member for nine months since the date of their valid application. The NEC shall have the power to waive this restriction temporarily in the case of a newly formed Branch, Society or Voluntary Party. Carried: 39,475 (for) to 0 (against) Rule Change 7 – Section H – Rules of the Parliamentary Panel Delete: Candidates will be self-nominating by way of written application to the Co-operative Party Head Office. Insert: Candidates will be self-nominating by way of written application to the Co-operative Party Head Office. Applicants in Scotland or with an interest primarily in constituencies in Scotland will be considered by the Scottish Co-operative Party in line with criteria agreed between the NEC and the Scottish Co-operative Party. Delete: Nominees will be empanelled only after interview by the NEC or an NEC Sub-Committee. The NEC may turn down applications with or without interview. Insert: Nominees will be empanelled only after interview by the NEC or an NEC Sub-Committee or the Scottish Party. The NEC or Scottish Party may turn down applications with or without interview. Carried: 39,489 (for) to 0 (against). Rule Change 8 – Statements on Party Conduct & Social Media Statement on Party Conduct As a Party, our co-operative values should be reflected in our actions as well as our policies. All members should feel welcome and encouraged to participate, in meetings, events and on social media. There is no place in the Co-operative Party for intolerance or abuse. To enable this, we will: Make meeting and events accessible and welcoming, encouraging maximum attendance and participation Conduct all meetings in a friendly and co-operative way, in accordance with the rules & standing orders and in a manner that enables all views to be heard Not tolerate harassment or discrimination based on age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, colour, race, ethnic origins or religion, or any form of personal abuse in meetings or on-line. Statement on Social Media Conduct The Co-operative Party recognises that social media and other forms of digital communications are a vital part of modern campaigning and communications. We have an important part to play in political and public debates and a vital contribution to make in discussions about how to create a more co-operative United Kingdom. We should be loudly and proudly making the case for co-operation using all appropriate channels. We are absolutely clear that the rules of the Co-operative Party apply just as much to activity that takes place on-line as it does to more traditional political activities like Party meetings. Our co-operative values dictate that we will treat others with respect and not make personal attacks or abusive or intimidating remarks. Individual members not meeting these high standards in their conduct online may be subject to disciplinary action under the Party’s Rule Book. High-profile members of the Party and those holding official positions within the Party including Party Officers, NEC members and elected representatives should be particularly mindful that their conduct online has the potential to reflect on the Party. Views expressed could be interpreted as reflecting the view of the Party even where this is not the intention. We increasingly encourage local Co-operative Parties and networks to use digital and social media to build support for the Party and our ideas. However, Party Officers responsible for placing such content online must ensure that content is relevant to the work of the Co-operative Party; and that no content is placed on an official Co-operative Party communications channel which could bring the Party into disrepute or that is not consistent with the policy of the Party. Content on official Co-operative Party social media channels in particular during both internal and external elections and selections must comply with the rules of those elections and selections. Communications using these channels must not be used to promote candidates in internal Co-operative Party elections or to promote Co-operative Party candidates in Labour Party selections unless the individual has been formally nominated as the Co-operative Party’s candidate. Carried: 38,816 (for) to 0 (against). Annual Membership Subscription 2018 Youth 14-19 £1 per year Youth 20-22 £10 per year/£1 per month Reduced £20 per year/£2 per month Standard £34 per year/£3 per month Carried: 64,209 (for) to 142 (against) ContentsPresentAnnual Report and AccountsAuditorsRule AmendmentsRule Change 1 – submitted by Oxfordshire Party Amendment to the proposed Rule Change – Submitted by Central England Eastern & Southern PartyRule Changes proposed by the NECRule Change 2 – Rules of Co-operative Party Ltd.Rule Change 3 – Section C – Annual ConferenceInsert (and renumber accordingly):Rule Change 4 – Section D – Co-operative Party Disciplinary CommitteeRule Change 5 – Section E – Membership RulesRule Change 6 – Section E – Membership Rules Insert:Rule Change 7 – Section H – Rules of the Parliamentary PanelRule Change 8 – Statements on Party Conduct & Social MediaStatement on Party ConductStatement on Social Media ConductAnnual Membership Subscription 2018 Action Points Conference delegates should read and view the recorded minutes For more information Karen Wilkie Board Secretary