Briefing:Calendar From: John Boyle For attention of: All Party Officers, NEC, Parliamentarians Published: 4th September 2019 Last updated: 4th September 2019 Business Type: Printed: 24th February 2025 Other formats: Print This is going to be a regular prompt for Branch and Party Council Officers, as to what is coming up and how you might want to put an item on your next meeting agenda. If you have not got a meeting in the time mentioned, you could still let your members know about the item/event. The main things happening in the next couple of months are, our subscribing Societies hold there half yearly meetings, sometimes called Interim meetings. We encourage our members to engage with all Co-operative Societies, as it is beneficial to us in terms of policies and information that our elected and aspiring candidates can use to promote the Party. On a personal level it can be rewarding and enjoyable for members to engage with their Society. The Co-operative GroupĀ are holding Join in Live events across the country from 25th September to Thursday 24th October. VisitĀ 30th September to 1st Oct Scotmid Co-operative Society Interim’s visit 7th to 10th October Central England Co-operative Society Interim member meetings visit 8th to 10th October and 15th to 17th October Midcounties Interim’s visit And on 14th October Chelmsford Star Co-operative is holding its Interim meeting, visit Oh and you may like to know that October is Black History Month, would you like to invite a speaker to your branch?