Briefing:CLP Affiliations 2020 From: Shane Brogan For attention of: All Party Officers Published: 6th July 2020 Last updated: 6th July 2020 Printed: 24th February 2025 Other formats: Print This year's affiliation fee has been paid to your CLP. The Co-operative Party affiliates to every Constituency Labour Party (CLP) as part of the National Agreement between the Co-operative Party and the Labour Party. This affiliation allows us to nominate joint Labour and Co-operative candidates to stand for election, and facilitates both parties working together on a local level. The affiliation fee is paid by Co-operative Party Head Office to Labour Party Head Office who then pay it direct to the CLP bank account. The payment for 2020 was paid to the CLP bank account on or just after 24 June 2020. This will appear on the bank statement as a payment from ‘Labour Party’ but with the description of ‘Coop Affil 2020’ – the payment will be for between £6 and £30 depending on the number of delegates you affiliate for. On the right of this Briefing you can download a notice to send your CLP Secretary and Treasurer that confirms the payment has been made and that your affiliation is up to date. The notices for the 2019 and 2018 payment can also be found there. If you have questions about the process of affiliating to CLPs or would like to check the number of delegates you have paid for, please contact Shane Brogan: or 020 7367 4151. Action Points Inform your CLP that the payment has been made For more information Questions about your affiliation? Shane Brogan Membership Manager Resources Notice to send to CLPs 2020 Guide to CLP Affiliations Notice to send to CLPs 2019 Notice to send to CLPs 2018