Co-operative Party Ltd AGM 2023

Karen Wilkie
For attention of:
20th March 2023
Last updated:
1st June 2023
19th January 2025
Other formats:

Party Councils, Societies and Affiliates are invited to register delegates for the Co-operative Party Ltd AGM 2023.

The Annual General Meeting of Co-operative Party Ltd will take place on Zoom on Saturday 24 June from 9.30am to 12pm.

Each Party Council and Society/Affiliate is entitled to register delegates.

There is no delegate fee for the AGM and no maximum number of delegates you may register, although we suggest a minimum of two to ensure that your local Party or organisation is represented should someone be unavailable on the day.

One of your AGM delegates should be identified as the lead delegate – they will receive the link to cast your Party unit or organisation’s vote after the meeting.

Party Councils and Subscribing Societies are requested to send a minimum of two delegates – Secretaries can do this by using the form below.

Please advise us of your delegates by Friday 2nd June at the latest.

As the AGM and Annual Conference are now separate events – with the AGM being in June and Annual Conference in October – both online – you are not required to register the same delegates to both, although for ease you may do so.

Please note: the AGM is open to all members, who may ask questions, but only delegates appointed by Party Councils or subscribing Societies and Affiliates may vote.

If you have any questions about the AGM, please contact Karen Wilkie, Board Secretary at The formal notice for the AGM, together with the agenda and papers, will be circulated in June.

For more information

Karen Wilkie, Board Secretary

Karen Wilkie