Co-operative Party Ltd AGM 2024 – Minutes

Karen Wilkie
For attention of:
, ,
16th September 2024
Last updated:
16th September 2024
25th October 2024
Other formats:

Minutes of the AGM of Co-operative Party Ltd held at 9.30am on Saturday 7 September 2024, online.

116 members, including 45 delegates representing twenty-four local Co-operative Parties, Societies and affiliates, were present at the AGM.

Following the presentation of the Board Report and Accounts 2023, the General Secretary responded to questions from members including: membership for over 80s; receiving royalties from co-op enterprises; Party recruitment in Northern Ireland; content in candidates’ election materials; tools for recruiting women; selection of Co-operative Party candidates (minimum requirements); working with and support from Co-operative Group; union membership; the Party’s success in supporting campaign key to the movement, including legislation on co-op growth and violence against shopworkers; transistion from followers to members; model motions for councillors and the Party’s investments.

After the formal business of the Society AGM, two items of business normally reserved for Annual Conference were taken – to approve the individual membership subscriptions for 2025, and to approve changes to the Party’s Rule Book relating to the procedure for the election of Conference Arrangements Committee.

To receive the revenue account and balance sheet for 2023
To receive a report on the Party’s performance in 2023 and forward plans for the next two years
To appoint financial auditors
Individual membership subscriptions 2025
To approve the Co-operative Party Rule Book 2024 - change to the procedure for elections to the Conference Arrangements Committee
For more information

Karen Wilkie, Board Secretary

Karen Wilkie

Board Secretary