Briefing:Co-operatives Fortnight 22/6 to 7/7/19 From: John Boyle For attention of: All Party Officers Published: 5th June 2019 Last updated: 5th June 2019 Printed: 24th February 2025 Other formats: Print We are a Co-operative and one of our guiding principles is Co-operation amongst Co-operatives. We encourage members to engage with the Co-operative Movement, to learn from and to inform them of what we do. Co-ops 14 is an ideal opportunity to do both. In particular can you make contact with a local Co-operative and invite them to speak at a meeting, or can you arrange a visit by Party members to that Co-op? Co-ops UK’s website will tell you how you can enjoy two weeks of mass co-operation. Let us know what you do, get members to tweet and Facebook their activities.