Briefing:Covid-19 From: robinwilde For attention of: All Party Members, All Party Officers Published: 12th March 2020 Last updated: 13th March 2020 Printed: 12th September 2024 Other formats: Print This briefing sets out the Party’s plans for dealing with the Coronavirus and its impact on events and Party meetings. We will review and update this as Government advice changes, so please check back regularly. This briefing was last updated at 4.30pm on Friday 13 March. Party and Branch Meetings Yesterday we set out the Co-operative Party’s advice for local parties with regards to Corona Virus and committed to keeping you up to date. Since then, the government has changed its advice. Our first priority is to provide a safe environment for our members, staff and the general public who attend our events or are canvassed by our supporters. We are therefore recommending that all upcoming branch and party council events and campaign sessions should be suspended. If you would like to talk to Party staff about your event and need our help to make sure everyone knows it has been cancelled please contact or 020 7367 4150. You may also now have seen that the Government has announced that the local elections due to take place on 7 May have been postponed until next year. If you or candidates in your area have any questions about this, please contact We appreciate that you and other officers will have put a lot of time and effort into planning events, campaigning and activity in your area. Whilst we are asking for physical meetings to be cancelled, we will be in touch shortly with some ideas of how you can use technology to hold online and teleconference meetings in your area. Regional and National Co-operative Party Events Through discussion with regional NEC reps and staff the decision has been taken to postpone both the Midlands Regional Conference (Coventry) and the Yorkshire and Humber Regional Conference (Sheffield) on 14 March. All speakers and attendees have been notified about these two events. We will continue to review future National events in the context of the government advice on travel and meetings, staff and speaker availability and likely attendance levels, and in discussion with local officers. Head Office and Staff Co-operative Party Head Office remains open so please do get in touch should you have any questions, queries or concerns – you can email or call us on 020 7367 4150. At some point may become advisable for staff to work from home rather than in the Party’s Head Office. This should not affect our work to any great degree or members’ ability to seek advice and help. Guidance will be available on the website and information on how to contact individual officers if necessary. Resources NHS Guidance