Briefing:Delegates to Local Government Committees/Local Campaign Forums. From: John Boyle For attention of: All Party Officers, NEC, Parliamentarians Published: 4th February 2020 Last updated: 7th February 2020 Business Type: Printed: 24th February 2025 Other formats: Print The Co-operative Party is entitled to a delegate to every Local Government Committee, formerly Local Campaign Forums. Changes in Labour Party rules affecting the Co-operative Party At Labour Conference 2019 there was a rule change which contained an unintended consequence of missing off the Co-op Party delegate to these bodies when they reconstitute as Local Government Committees LGC’s following their next AGM. The Co-operative Party has worked with the Labour Party to ensure that the unintended consequence is mitigated until a rule change can be bought forward to Labour Party Conference 2020. The Labour Party will issue guidance to local Labour Party’s ahead of the bulk of the LGC AGMs (from June) which states that the Co-operative Party place is to be retained. If there are problems with this guidance or its application – contact Co-op Party staff in the first instance. Please note the same applies to Greater Manchester Combined Authority. Action Points Delegates to Constituency Labour PartiesWe are also still entitled to send up to 5 delegates to the Constituency Labour Parties. Not to be confused to the one we send to the relevant Local Government Committee CLP AGM before June?Make sure you send the names of your Delegates to the CLP and to the LGC as soon as you can after your Co-op Party AGM is held. And confirm with the relevant Party Council as well as the delegates themselves.