Fairtrade Fortnight 2020 February 24th – March 8th

John Boyle
For attention of:
, , , , , ,
4th February 2020
Last updated:
4th February 2020
Business Type:
15th February 2025
Other formats:

Co-operatives are central to the expansion of Fairtrade

Can you hold a Fairtrade Co-operative Party event this year during FT14?

The Co-op Party has a fine record of supporting Fairtrade and the Fairtrade Foundation. We have an even longer record of supporting our Co-operative Societies in promoting what they do for communities here and abroad.

Fairtrade Fortnight gives us the opportunity to support both. Using Co-operative branded Fairtrade products at an organised Fairtrade event will show our support for the Co-operatives around the World and Fairtrade.

You could hold a quiz, like we are in Birmingham on Sunday the 8th March, or a tasting of Co-operative products at our London Head Office on Wednesday 4th March. Or a street stall as a good many of our branches have each year, There’s wine tasting, coffee and cake in the afternoon, a FT Tea Dance or perhaps something new!

In 2020 the Fairtrade Foundation will focus on cocoa, the special role women farmers play in the journey to living incomes, and sharing new stories and tools to get more people choosing Fairtrade chocolate.

You can get more detail from the Fairtrade Foundation

But you could go straight to the Co-op, you might be able to get a supporters pack from Co-op Group * . But if you are more in contact with one of the regional Retail Co-ops like Central England; Midcounties, Scotmid, East of England or Chelmsford Star, they too are promoting FT14 and might be holding an event you could support as well as holding one of your own.

Please tell us if you are holding an event, send us details, see if we can help promote it.

*please note the Co-op has a limited supply of paper packs

Action Points
  • Tell us and send photos
    If you are holding an event, let us know about it, put it on our events calendar.
  • tell the World about it
    Go on twitter, Facebook, Instagram, use hashtags #ChooseFairtrade #BeingCoop. on Twitter use the supporting Co-op's @ sign
  • After the event
    Tell us the stories of your event, did you convert someone? Did someone famous call in, visit the stall, retweeted a tweet? Let us know how the event went!