Modern Slavery Campaign Update

James Butler
For attention of:
20th April 2018
Last updated:
16th May 2018
15th February 2025
Other formats:

An update on the Co-operative Party's Charter against Modern Slavery, and ways you and your local party can get involved

When we launched our Charter against modern slavery in March we had no idea just how quickly the message would spread.

Already nine councils representing over two million people have signed the Co-operative Party’s Charter (or passed our motion) which seeks to ensure that the £40bn or so that local authorities spend every year doesn’t end up in the pockets of those who would exploit their fellow human-beings for profit.

So far the councils which have signed the Charter (or passed our motion) are: Wolverhampton City Council, Bristol City Council, London Borough of Waltham Forest, London Borough of Lambeth, London Borough of Islington, Newcastle City Council, Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council, Oxford City Council and Stevenage Borough Council.

This is fantastic progress, but we want many more councils to sign the Charter. And with your help we can achieve that goal.

The Charter

Action Points
For more information

Help & info about the campaign

James Butler