National Executive Committee & Disciplinary Committee Elections

Karen Wilkie
For attention of:
17th December 2019
Last updated:
17th December 2019
24th February 2025
Other formats:

The current three-year term of the National Executive Committee (NEC) ends in June 2020 and nominations are now open for elections to the NEC for 2020-23. Please read this briefing to see what your branch or party needs to do.

For the 11 national and regional representatives and the Youth member, the process will be slightly different to previous NEC elections:

  • Candidates may self-nominate
  • After the closing date, branches and party councils may endorse a candidate in their nation or region. A list of candidates and form for endorsement will be sent to branches and parties
  • For your branch or party council to endorse a candidate, you need to plan now to hold a meeting between 13 February and 14 March (see timetable below).
  • The three seats open for women-only candidates will be Scotland and Northern Ireland, Wales and the South East
  • The ballot will be in April by one member, one vote.

Information for candidates, including the role of the NEC and who can stand, is on the main election page.  Please make sure that all members in your branch or party council are also aware that:

  • No additional printed materials may be circulated by the candidates or by others on their behalf.
  • No candidate, or person on their behalf, may use access to the Party’s membership data to promote their candidacy.
  • Party Councils and branches may only endorse a candidate from the confirmed list that will be circulated in the week beginning 10 February.
Action Points
For more information
Karen Wilkie

Board Secretary