Briefing:NEC Elections update From: Karen Wilkie For attention of: All Party Members, All Party Officers Published: 20th July 2020 Last updated: 20th July 2020 Printed: 14th March 2025 Other formats: Print NEC election - ballot papers will be despatched from 10 August. The Co-operative Party’s NEC elections were postponed due to COVID-19 and the possibility the election administrators might not be able to despatch or count postal ballot papers during the lockdown. The election is now going ahead with revised timetable, and members should look out for ballot papers arriving in their email in-boxes in the week beginning 10 August. Postal votes will only be sent to members that we do not have email addresses for. The ballot will close on 7 September. You can find all of the candidates’ statements here. Please contact Karen Wilkie if you have any questions about the election. Action Points NEC CandidatesRead their statements (More) For more information Karen Wilkie Board Secretary