Policy Consultation: Britain Leaving the European Union

Anna Birley
For attention of:
16th January 2018
Last updated:
30th May 2018
24th February 2025
Other formats:

Today we're pleased to launch the Party's 2018 policy consultation process. Held annually, these consultations are an opportunity to have your say on the Party's position on key issues. Submissions made via the process over the year form the starting point for debates at regional conferences throughout the year and at National Conference, which is held in October.

Important This is one of two consultations which comprise this year’s member policy process, covering the Economy and Brexit.

Information for Officers Economy Consultation

Action Points
  • Organise an event locally
    This could be as part of an ordinary branch meeting, or one specially organised for this purpose. If you'd like your event to be listed on the website, you can submit it here. (More)
  • Make a submission online
    Submissions can be submitted via an online questionnaire or uploaded document (More)
  • Register to take part in a Facebook Live
    We'll be holding a series of live online discussions via Facebook - sign up to receive an invite when they take place.
  • Submissions must be made by the end of June
For more information

For more information about the Process, support organising an event or if you have a question about making a submission, contact:

Anna Birley