Protecting our members’ data

For attention of:
, , ,
30th October 2017
Last updated:
31st May 2018
19th January 2025
Other formats:

The Data Protection Act (1998) applies to all levels of the Co-operative Party (including branches) and to all data held by the Party such as membership records and emails.

Any data you have access to as an officer of the Co-operative Party must never be shared with an external organisation unless you have received explicit permission from the member – this includes sharing data with the Labour Party and co-operative societies.

Action Points
  • Ensure all personal data you hold is stored securely
    e.g. on a password protected computer or locked away or shredded in the case of printed copies (More)
  • Never pass data to third parties without express permission
    This includes the Labour Party and affiliated co-operative societies
  • Always use BCC when sending bulk emails to members
For more information

Your personal data will be stored on secure servers and can be changed or deleted at any time by contacting

Shane Brogan

Membership Manager