Statement on conduct

For attention of:
21st March 2017
Last updated:
7th December 2017
16th July 2024
Other formats:

We take our co-operative values very seriously, and these should be reflected in how we operate as a party – locally and nationally – and how we treat each other as members. 

To support this, NEC has agreed the following statement that all local parties should adopt.  If you think that your meetings aren’t as welcoming or effective as they could be, please contact us for support.

Statement on Party Conduct

As a Party, our co-operative values should be reflected in our actions as well as our policies.

All members should feel welcome and encouraged to participate, in meetings, events and on social media.  There is no place in the Co-operative Party for intolerance or abuse.

To enable this, we will:

  • Make meeting and events accessible and welcoming, encouraging maximum attendance and participation
  • Conduct all meetings in a friendly and co-operative way, in accordance with the rules & standing orders and in a manner that enables all views to be heard
  • Not tolerate harassment or discrimination based on age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, colour, race, ethnic origins or religion, or any form of personal abuse in meetings or on-line.
Action Points
  • Read and ensure all local members understand the Statement of Conduct
  • Consider making members aware of the Statement at the start of events and meetings
  • If you think that your meetings aren’t as welcoming or effective as they could be, contact us for support
For more information
Karen Wilkie

Deputy General Secretary