Youth Summer School 2019

Shane Brogan
For attention of:
30th July 2019
Last updated:
30th July 2019
24th February 2025
Other formats:

This year's Co-operative Party Youth's Summer School takes places in Birmingham on 31 August and 1 September. Do you know a young member from your branch who could benefit from a funded place?

Bringing together young members from across the UK, the Summer School is a chance to debate policy and campaigns, learn more about the Party and how to get involved and meet other young members.

The programme includes sessions on standing for election, planning for our campaigns on housing and food justice, discussing our policy on climate and community power, as well as learning more about the co-operative movement.

Ahead of elections for the National Youth Committee in September, it’s also a chance to find our more about what’s involved and how to stand for election.

Registration is now open and costs just £10, which includes accommodation and travel costs arranged by the Co-operative Party.

So if you know a young member who would like to learn more about the Party, get more involved and help shape our future work, ask them to think about attending.

For more information

For more information email

Shane Brogan

Membership Manager