Featured 6 Steps to Build Community WealthUsing what we already have to generate local economic growth co-operatively
23rd March 2017 Trickle down economics is dead, and community wealth is replacing it. Archived: Ben West Communications & Digital Officer Emma Hoddinott Assistant General Secretary (Representation & Political Affairs) Over the past week, we've welcomed Ted Howard, founder of the Democracy Collaborative, to the UK to learn more about a model which is making policy makers across the political spectrum in the US sit up and take notice, and seeing what the lessons might be for communities the UK.
13th February 2017 Tech giants make billions from our most intimate personal data. Isn’t it time we took back control? Hugh Goulbourne Chair of the Huddersfield and Colne Valley Co-op Party Over the past week, we've welcomed Ted Howard, founder of the Democracy Collaborative, to the UK to learn more about a model which is making policy makers across the political spectrum in the US sit up and take notice, and seeing what the lessons might be for communities the UK.
10th February 2017 Pushing the Scottish Government to go further to support co-operatives Richard McCready Political Officer (Scotland) Over the past week, we've welcomed Ted Howard, founder of the Democracy Collaborative, to the UK to learn more about a model which is making policy makers across the political spectrum in the US sit up and take notice, and seeing what the lessons might be for communities the UK.
10th January 2017 It’s time to enable small businesses to work together to get a better deal from banks. Christina Rees Over the past week, we've welcomed Ted Howard, founder of the Democracy Collaborative, to the UK to learn more about a model which is making policy makers across the political spectrum in the US sit up and take notice, and seeing what the lessons might be for communities the UK.
13th December 2016 Germany has thousands of banks. The UK has just five, and it’s strangling our economy. Archived: Ben West Communications & Digital Officer Over the past week, we've welcomed Ted Howard, founder of the Democracy Collaborative, to the UK to learn more about a model which is making policy makers across the political spectrum in the US sit up and take notice, and seeing what the lessons might be for communities the UK.
2nd December 2016 Calling time on nuisance callers James Kelly Over the past week, we've welcomed Ted Howard, founder of the Democracy Collaborative, to the UK to learn more about a model which is making policy makers across the political spectrum in the US sit up and take notice, and seeing what the lessons might be for communities the UK.
14th November 2016 Texan taxi drivers are showing there’s a co-operative alternative to the Uber economy Virginia Doherty Over the past week, we've welcomed Ted Howard, founder of the Democracy Collaborative, to the UK to learn more about a model which is making policy makers across the political spectrum in the US sit up and take notice, and seeing what the lessons might be for communities the UK.
11th November 2016 Small businesses in Europe work together to access finance and share risk – why shouldn’t those in the UK? Virginia Doherty Over the past week, we've welcomed Ted Howard, founder of the Democracy Collaborative, to the UK to learn more about a model which is making policy makers across the political spectrum in the US sit up and take notice, and seeing what the lessons might be for communities the UK.
7th November 2016 To double the size of the co-operative economy, we need to clear the roadblocks that stand in the way benwest Over the past week, we've welcomed Ted Howard, founder of the Democracy Collaborative, to the UK to learn more about a model which is making policy makers across the political spectrum in the US sit up and take notice, and seeing what the lessons might be for communities the UK.