Featured Unleashing Community OwnershipA report by the Community Ownership Commission, published with support from the Co-operative Party.
Making Britain the best place to start an alternative businessA joint report between the Co-operative Party and Social Enterprise UK on making Britain the best place to start an alternative business.
12th June 2018 Co-operative councillors can begin delivering Labour’s co-operative vision right now. Tom Hayes Oxford City Councillor for St. Clement's Ward and Cabinet Member for Green Transport and Zero Carbon Oxford In power across the country, co-operative councillors are showing that even in the toughest of circumstances, it's possible to begin implementing the polices, ideas and models that will one day deliver a Labour & Co-operative government all the way to Downing Street.
25th May 2018 Credit unions demonstate why ownership matters Kezia Dugdale In power across the country, co-operative councillors are showing that even in the toughest of circumstances, it's possible to begin implementing the polices, ideas and models that will one day deliver a Labour & Co-operative government all the way to Downing Street.
17th May 2018 The Scottish National Investment Bank must promote all forms of business ownership Claudia Beamish MSP for South Scotland and Shadow Minister for Environment and Climate Change In power across the country, co-operative councillors are showing that even in the toughest of circumstances, it's possible to begin implementing the polices, ideas and models that will one day deliver a Labour & Co-operative government all the way to Downing Street.
17th April 2018 Co-operative Party publishes ‘Ownership Matters’ report, making the case for democratic public ownership benwest In power across the country, co-operative councillors are showing that even in the toughest of circumstances, it's possible to begin implementing the polices, ideas and models that will one day deliver a Labour & Co-operative government all the way to Downing Street.
5th April 2018 Britain won’t solve its productivity crisis unless employees get a real stake in their workplace Daniel Eggert In power across the country, co-operative councillors are showing that even in the toughest of circumstances, it's possible to begin implementing the polices, ideas and models that will one day deliver a Labour & Co-operative government all the way to Downing Street.
13th March 2018 Why ownership matters Dave Watson Head of Policy and Public Affairs at UNISON Scotland and Co-operative party member In power across the country, co-operative councillors are showing that even in the toughest of circumstances, it's possible to begin implementing the polices, ideas and models that will one day deliver a Labour & Co-operative government all the way to Downing Street.
12th March 2018 Co-operative MPs call for release of lending blackspot data Archived: Ben West Communications & Digital Officer In power across the country, co-operative councillors are showing that even in the toughest of circumstances, it's possible to begin implementing the polices, ideas and models that will one day deliver a Labour & Co-operative government all the way to Downing Street.
10th February 2018 Co-operative Party commissions independent report on expansion of co-operative sector benwest In power across the country, co-operative councillors are showing that even in the toughest of circumstances, it's possible to begin implementing the polices, ideas and models that will one day deliver a Labour & Co-operative government all the way to Downing Street.
10th February 2018 Making our vision of a co-operative economy into reality Claire McCarthy Former General Secretary In power across the country, co-operative councillors are showing that even in the toughest of circumstances, it's possible to begin implementing the polices, ideas and models that will one day deliver a Labour & Co-operative government all the way to Downing Street.