Step 1 of 4 25% Please choose how much you would like to pay:*Solidarity Rate£69.60 per yearStandard Rate £45.60 per yearReduced Income Rate £33.60 per yearYouth 14-19 Rate £3 per year Personal detailsName* MrMrsMissMsDrCllr Title First Last Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Address* Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City/Town Postcode Phone*Date of birth* DD MM YYYY Gender*FemaleMaleOtherAre you a member of a co-op, such as your local co-op shop or credit union?*YesNoWhat co-op are you a member of?The Co-operative Group ('The Co-op' / blue membership card)The Midcounties Co-operative (Includes Energy & Phone)Central England Co-operativeChelmsford Star Co-operativeEast of England Co-operativeHeart of England Co-operativeLincolnshire Co-operativeRadstock Co-operativeScotmid Co-operativeThe Southern Co-operativeTamworth Co-operativeCredit unionSupporters' trustHousing co-operativeWorker co-operativePlease send me further information on how to joinAs the Party of the co-operative movement, our members must also be a member of a co-operative society. If you are not a member of a co-op, just select 'send me further information' and continue your application. If you are unsure which co-op you are a member, check the card you use to swipe in store.Please enter the name of the credit union, supporters' trust, housing or worker co-operative below:Declaration & Conditions of Membership* I agree to the Co-operative Party Membership Conditions. About you (Optional)These questions let us know more about our members and facilitate membership of our Equalities Networks. If you would prefer not to answer you can skip to the next step.Do you consider yourself black, Asian or minority ethnic (BAME)?YesNoPrefer not to sayDo you consider yourself to have a disability?YesNoPrefer not to sayDo you consider yourself to be LGBTQ+?YesNoPrefer not to say Payment detailsWe rely on the support of our members to do our work. Can you make an extra donation to help deliver our vision of a fairer future?*I'll make a donationNot right nowHow much would you like to donate on top of your membership fee? Solidarity Rate Membership Price: £ 69.60 Standard Rate Membership Price: £ 45.60 Reduced Income Membership Price: £ 33.60 Youth 14-19 Membership Price: £ 3.00 Total £ 0.00 Credit or Debit Card Details American ExpressMasterCardVisa Card Number Month010203040506070809101112 Year20252026202720282029203020312032203320342035203620372038203920402041204220432044 Expiration Date Security Code Cardholder Name AECHIVE: Gender-Please Select-FemaleMaleOtherARCHIVE: Please choose your membership rate- Please Select -Higher Rate: £62 per yearStandard Rate: £38 per yearReduced Rate: £26 per yearYouth (14-19): £3 per yearARCHIVE: Would you like to make an additional donation?--Please Select--Yes, I would like to make a donation with my membership feeNot right nowProduct Name Price: £ 0.00 Quantity: PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms. Why become a member? We are the political voice of the co-operative movement, working with the Labour Party to build a society where power and wealth are shared. The Co-operative Party is powered by the support of our thousands of members - join today and help us own the future. Join the co-operative movement and show your support for an economy that gives people a say and a stake. Vote in selections for Labour and Co-operative candidates in your area or get support to stand for election yourself. Take part in local, regional and online meetings, to elect officers, develop our campaigns and set our policy platform. Build our campaigns on issues from food justice to fair trade, community assets, fair tax and public ownership. Get involved in our member-led equalities networks for BAME, Disability, LGBTQ+, Women and Youth members. Receive a Co-operative Party membership card and regular updates, including copies of The Pioneer magazine. ContentsStep 1 of 4 Personal detailsAbout you (Optional)Payment detailsWhy become a member?