Other ways to renew The easiest way to renew your membership is to set up a monthly or annual Direct Debit linked to your bank account - this means that more of your money goes to campaigning rather than administration. If you don't want to set up a Direct Debit you can also pay for your membership over the phone by calling 020 7367 4151 or with a cheque or postal order. Make the cheque payable to 'Co-operative Party' and insert the membership fee you would like to pay (see below). You can post your completed cheque to FREEPOST CO-OPERATIVE PARTY (you don't need a stamp or our full address). Our 2025 membership rates are: Solidarity Rate: £69.60 per year Standard Rate: £45.60 per year Reduced Income: £33.60 per year Youth (14-19): £3 per year 100 Club: £100 per year (includes free Conference tickets) 1917 Club: £230 per year (includes copies of our publications and free Conference tickets) Renew by Direct Debit Renew by Debit Card Call 020 7367 4151