26th April 2017 80 years today, the co-operative movement swung into action to rescue child refugees from Franco’s Spain Tom Hayes MP MP for Bournemouth East When so much is so uncertain today, a forgotten story of co-operators standing up for civilians fleeing fascism and protecting children scarred by war could not be more important
10th April 2017 Barcelona has always been a centre of radicalism. Now the City’s €1bn spending power is being used to build a more democratic economy. Anna Birley Procurement may not capture the imagination, but Barcelona is using it to limit the dominance of big busines and support the social and sharing economy in the City.
11th November 2016 Small businesses in Europe work together to access finance and share risk – why shouldn’t those in the UK? Virginia Doherty Too often, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) struggle to access the finance they need to grow. But in Europe, mutual guarantee societies provide a solution we can learn from.
14th June 2016 Co-operatives UK: Standing up for staying in Nick Matthews Chair of Co-ops UK Internationalism has always been at the heart of the co-op movement – which is why Co-operatives UK supports remaining in the EU, writes its Chair, Nick Matthews.
26th May 2016 Co-operation between European countries? Co-operatives depend on it. Andrew Raimondi Co-operation between European countries remains crucial for the co-operative movements within them to thrive.
4th December 2015 EU backs calls for fair tax mark Paul Monaghan Chief Executive of Fair Tax Mark The European Union has joined calls for recognition of companies who pay their fair share of tax
Policy paper: an economy where wealth and power are sharedPolicy paper drawing on members' submissions, which forms the basis of policy debate 2 at 2018 Annual Conference