Blog – Page 25 – Co-operative Party
polling station poster on clear glass door

This year’s local elections saw a record number of Co-operative Councillors elected to town halls across the country.

Millions had the chance to vote for co-operation and they did, returning a record number of over 1200 Co-operative Councillors to office. This was especially true in Scotland and Wales where we saw the number of Co-op Councillors double, following on from record parliamentary co-operative groups elected last year.

The co-operative movement offers the ideas, principles and values which should form the bedrock of this year’s Queen’s Speech.

This Queen’s Speech perhaps more than any in recent memory is critical in providing the framework for how we will tackle the many difficulties the ongoing crises provide. It’s imperative the Government builds on the values and solutions of co-operation within it to meet that challenge.

Call for a food champion in Renfrewshire

Food Justice campaigner and Co-operative Party candidate, Alison Ann-Dowling, highlights the work that she will do with her fellow Scottish Co-operative candidates if re-elected.

Co-operative Party Chair’s Update

Next week's local elections provide a chance for us all to continue this work as an active, campaigning Party that priorities making a real difference where it matters most, and to do so with more co-operators than ever championing our cause as elected Co-operative Party representatives.