6th August 2021 Co-operatives aren’t just surviving in this crisis: they are thriving Jim McMahon MP Chair of the Co-operative Party and Minister of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government This week I visited newly established co-ops in Manchester, to hear about their experiences of starting up and the benefits they’ve received from their co-operative models.
3rd August 2021 To fight for Food Justice, we must fight the cut to Universal Credit Joe Fortune General Secretary The Co-operative Party and our wider movement have campaigned on food justice for a number of years, and as the removal of the £20 a week 'uplift' to Universal Credit threatens to leave families unable to put food on the table, it is more important than ever that we do so.
2nd August 2021 Now is the time to stand up for fan-owned football Ian Murray Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland and former chair of the Foundation of Hearts The Government in Westminster has an opportunity with their fan-led review to hardwire fan ownership in the English football pyramid – so now is the time to speak out.
22nd July 2021 The Long Read: Why we’ll need to go above and beyond the National Food Strategy to tackle hunger in the UK James Butler Regional Organiser (East Midlands, West Midlands and South West) The recommendations which address food insecurity are welcome, but the report otherwise fails to address many of the root causes and lacks the radicalism that other parts of the document have.
15th July 2021 To “level up” we need co-operation between communities – not competition Anna Birley Approaches to local economic growth have for too long centred around a model of inward investment – reliant on investment from Whitehall and big business that is just as easily taken away as it was given.
13th July 2021 Co-operative Party Chair’s Update Jim McMahon MP Chair of the Co-operative Party and Minister of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government From our campaigns on high streets, protection of retail workers and fighting the privatisation of Channel 4 to the launch of our Chris Herries Mentoring Scheme, we have been working to put our co-operative principles into practice.
8th July 2021 Community Fridges offer a co-operative solution to the challenges of delivering food justice. Luke Pollard MP Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Ministry of Defence Last week I visited a recently opened Community Fridge in Plymouth, the result of a new partnership between environmental charity Hubbub and the Co-op, being run by the Kintsungi Project in Stonehouse.
8th July 2021 Our co-operative movement must be at the forefront of enabling change. That’s why we’ve launched the Chris Herries Mentoring Scheme. Preet Kaur Gill MP Chair of the Co-operative Party Parliamentary Group and Shadow Minister for Primary Care and Public Health. I'm looking forward to being a mentor on the scheme, to share what I've learned and help more women become involved in political life.
7th July 2021 Building an inclusive economy through the South Yorkshire Ownership Hub Dan Jarvis Former Metro Mayor for South Yorkshire and MP for Barnsley Central Today, we are launching a new chapter in our movement's rich history, through the South Yorkshire Ownership Hub.