10th October 2018 Nowhere to hide from Modern Slavery Mayor of Salford Mayor of Salford Paul Dennett on why his council has signed up to the Modern Slavery Charter.
8th October 2018 We need to work together to keep shop workers safe Emily Spurrell Police and Crime Commissioner for Merseyside Police, businesses and many other agencies need to work together to tackle offenders and keep workers safe. And we need a properly funded police service so shop workers get the right response, when they need it.
28th September 2018 Can the future of democracy be found in Taiwan? Emma Hoddinott Assistant General Secretary (Representation & Political Affairs) With Westminster struggling to modernise procedures as simple as letting MPs on maternity leave take part in votes, there is a movement in Taiwan embracing technology to change how decisions are made, and giving citizens a chance to take part.
28th September 2018 Five takeaways from Labour conference Archived: Ben West Communications & Digital Officer The speeches in the Liverpool are over and the delegates have gone home. But after a packed few days at this year's Labour Party Conference in Liverpool, there are plenty of reasons our co-operative movement can feel positive
27th September 2018 Academic or vocational learning—why not both? Emma Hoddinott Assistant General Secretary (Representation & Political Affairs) Young people will need a mix of academic and vocational skills to thrive in the workplace of the future. The co-operative movement is taking the first step towards making it happen.
27th September 2018 Unfinished Business James Butler Regional Organiser (East Midlands, West Midlands and South West) Coming straight after being awarded the prestigious Del Singh Memorial Award by Rt Hon Jeremy Corbyn MP for the Charter Campaign against Modern Slavery, the timing for the Co-operative Party’s Fringe on modern slavery could not have been more appropriate.
27th September 2018 “Why on earth shouldn’t the people who create the wealth own the wealth that they create?”, asks Richard Leonard Richard McCready Political Officer (Scotland)
27th September 2018 Richard Leonard backs plan to give first-year school pupils a £20 credit union ‘starter for 20’. Richard McCready Political Officer (Scotland) Scottish Labour Leader Richard Leonard MSP has demonstrated his commitment to co-operative principles by putting forward a policy which will implement our ideas about credit unions right across Scotland.