27th September 2018 Dundee City Council Signs up to Charter Against Modern Slavery Cllr Georgia Cruickshank Councillor for Maryfield ward on Dundee City Council
17th September 2018 Modern Slavery Month of Action launched in Wales Jeff Cuthbert Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent On Saturday, Co-operative Party MPs, Assembly Members, councillors and members came together in Cardiff to make their pledges to help end Modern Slavery.
11th September 2018 Promoting local, co-operatively-owned campaigning journalism Richard McCready Political Officer (Scotland) How do we ensure that technological, cultural and economic changes empower people rather than oppress them? This was the task which Jeremy Corbyn set himself at a recent lecture on the media in Edinburgh.
6th September 2018 Ofgem’s energy price cap is a sticking plaster on a broken industry Anna Birley While £75 off bills is a welcome short-term fix, our energy industry desperately needs an overhaul. Democratic public ownership, where customers and workers have a say and a stake in where their energy comes from, is the only way to ensure a "fair" tariff.
6th September 2018 Our vision for a Labour & Co-operative North Warwickshire Councillor Adam Farrell Co-operation is going to be key to the next Labour Council in North Warwickshire. Leader of the Labour Group Adam Farrell blogs on his plans for 2019.
5th September 2018 The water industry is in desperate need of reform, but South West Water’s consumer share offer is too little too late Anna Birley While South West Water's consumer share offer looks good on paper, in practice it amounts to little more than a cheap gimmick. The broken water industry needs deeper reform which truly puts ownership back into the hands of customers and workers.
31st August 2018 The opposition shall not pass James Butler Regional Organiser (East Midlands, West Midlands and South West) You wouldn’t normally expect the newest community-owned football club to feature on the sports pages of the major newspapers let alone make the headlines, but this week Clapton Community Football Club (Clapton CFC) has done exactly that.
7th August 2018 Co-operative Party tackling modern slavery from street stalls to council chambers Peter Weston Kettering branch's successful campaign on modern slavery
30th July 2018 Andy Burnham announces Co-operative Commission to ensure Manchester ‘the most co-operative’ region of UK benwest Labour & Co-operative Mayor announces the launch of a Greater Manchester Co-operative Commission to be delivered in partnership with the Co-operative Party.