17th November 2016 Scotland’s privatised buses aren’t working – how much longer can we put up with the status quo? Neil Bibby MSP for West Scotland Scotland has some of the most profit-driven and privatised buses in the World. It's time for us all to work together to put passenger voice back at the heart of our transport system.
14th November 2016 Texan taxi drivers are showing there’s a co-operative alternative to the Uber economy Virginia Doherty A co-operative owned by taxi drivers in Austin Texas is putting them back in control of fares, fees and working conditions - enabling them to serve communities left behind by ride-sharing apps
12th November 2016 City deals must drive power beyond city halls to be successful benwest The Government’s push to devolve power to city and county regions will only be successful if it drives power beyond town halls and into local communities.
11th November 2016 Small businesses in Europe work together to access finance and share risk – why shouldn’t those in the UK? Virginia Doherty Too often, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) struggle to access the finance they need to grow. But in Europe, mutual guarantee societies provide a solution we can learn from.
7th November 2016 To double the size of the co-operative economy, we need to clear the roadblocks that stand in the way benwest A Bill to be introduced by Labour & Co-operative MPs tomorrow aims to cut back red tape and bring regulation of co-ops in line with other types of businesses
1st November 2016 Students don’t need landlords. With your help we can break the cycle of soaring rents and poor-quality accommodation Scott Jennings The time has come to create a national body for student housing co-operatives. With your help, we can make it happen.
26th October 2016 Gareth Thomas demands Government action as report warns social care sector at ‘tipping point’. James Scott As a new report warns that social care in England is at a 'tipping point', it's clear that only co-operation can solve this crisis
25th October 2016 Update: government challenged to change the law to give communities power over buses benwest The government has been challenged in the House of Lords to give communities new legal powers over bus services in their areas, including new rights over routes at risk of closure.
24th October 2016 Inequality is a choice – and overcoming it means rewriting the rules by which businesses operate Tom Hayes MP MP for Bournemouth East The Prime Minister's proposals for employees on company boards is welcome - but if we're serious about tackling inequality, reforms to corporate governance must go much further