3rd April 2019 Long read: proposals for a new public banking ecosystem Anna Birley A new report came out this week with detailed proposals for a transition to a banking ecosystem that puts the public interest first. Our Policy Officer, Anna Birley, shares some highlights from the report.
28th March 2019 Remembering Dr Jim Arnold – Preserver of New Lanark Iain McDonald Trustee of the New Lanark Trust Claudia Beamish MSP and Ged Killen MP have tabled motions to the Scottish Parliament and Westminster Parliament respectively to mark the passing of Dr Jim Arnold, former director of the New Lanark Trust and responsible for preserving the hugely important New Lanark site. Iain Macdonald, trustee of the New Lanark Heritage Trust and former Secretary General of the International Co-operative Alliance, has contributed the following obituary.
26th March 2019 PM Theresa May, take action on modern slavery in hand car washes benwest Today Labour and Co-operative MPs, London AMs, Police and Crime Commissioners, Council Leaders, and City Mayors have sent a letter to the Prime Minister urging action on the compulsory licensing of car washes.
14th March 2019 The People’s Money – Financial Institutions that serve people and their communities Richard McCready Political Officer (Scotland) At the Scottish Labour Conference last weekend in Dundee we held a very successful fringe meeting titled, 'The People’s Money'.
6th March 2019 Fairtrade and Co-operatives: Working Together Miriam Rice Vice Chair, London Co-operative Party
4th March 2019 Rebuilding Common Decency Claire McCarthy Former General Secretary Whether in policy or how we do politics, common decency seems further away than ever. That's why we must all recommit ourselves to building a politics we can all be proud of.
1st March 2019 A refreshed identity for the Party’s second century Archived: Ben West Communications & Digital Officer This month sees the launch of a refreshed brand identity for the Co-operative Party. Here's more about the new look, designed to reflect the Party’s renewed ambition.
31st January 2019 We need a Budget which protects Scotland’s communities James Kelly As a Scottish Co-operative Party MSP I will be looking for a Budget today which is bold and which transforms the way in which out economy is run.
25th January 2019 Oxford race ahead in cutting emissions Tom Hayes MP MP for Bournemouth East Time is running out to prevent a climate catastrophe. Global emissions show few signs of slowing down, hitting unprecedented levels in 2018. It is a timely that the Co-op Party has launched its policy consultation on climate change, energy and environment. Take a look at what Oxford are doing and share your thoughts.