Co-operative Party Ltd AGM 2020 – Votes

Karen Wilkie
For attention of:
26th October 2020
Last updated:
26th October 2020
27th July 2024
Other formats:

188 members and delegates from 32 organisations attended the Co-operative Party's AGM on 17 October 2020, This briefing outlines the votes that were cast following the AGM.

This was the Party’s first on-line AGM.  Each local Party and affiliated organisation appointed one ‘voting delegate’, who was emailed a link to the voting portal at the close of the AGM.  These votes are weighted in accordance with the rules of the Society.

To approve the 2019 Board Report and Accounts
To approve the Auditors
Change to the Rules of the Society
To approve the individual membership subscriptions for 2021
To approve the Rule Book 2020
Policy Documents