Briefing:Registration now open for ‘Common Decency’ Spring Conference From: Issy Oozerally For attention of: All Party Officers Published: 10th January 2019 Last updated: 8th February 2019 Printed: 23rd February 2025 Other formats: Print Registration for 'Common Decency', our March conference, is now open. Here is all the key information to share with your members—please do encourage them to attend. Key information ‘Common Decency’ Spring Conference Saturday 9th March Amnesty International, 17-25 New Inn Yard, London, EC2A 3EA Open to: All Party members, registration £10. Background In March the Party will be holding a one-day Conference focusing on the theme ‘Common Decency’. Bringing together campaigners, elected representatives, academics and party members from across the country, this policy Conference will look at how the basics of life such as food, housing, financial resilience and good work can be achieved for all. All Party members are welcome. Party Officers are asked to ensure their branch or party council is aware the Conference is taking place and to encourage them to register. For new members or those looking to get more involved, the Conference will be a great introduction to some key areas of the Party’s work and to co-operative solutions to many of the the most urgent challenges the country faces. Register Now ContentsKey informationBackground Action Points Common Decency Spring ConferenceJoin members at Spring Conference in London on 9th March For more information Issy Oozeerally Events Officer