Consultation – Representation on the NEC

Karen Wilkie
For attention of:
, , , , , ,
9th August 2021
Last updated:
9th August 2021
Business Type:
27th July 2024
Other formats:

Comments are invited on the changes to the representation on the NEC. Please respond by Wednesday 1 September.

The Co-operative Party NEC (National Executive Committee) is elected every three years by and from individual members, subscribing societies and affiliates.  The NEC determines the Party’s strategy and rules, and serves as the Board of the Society – Co-operative Party Ltd. You can read more about the role of the NEC in the Rules, here

The NEC has committed to reviewing its structure ahead of the next elections in 2023 and is looking at the following questions in particular:

Does the NEC adequately represent and promote diversity in the Party?
Does the NEC have the correct balance of all levels of representation e.g. individual members, societies and affiliates, and elected representatives?
Is geographical representation i.e. election by and from regions still appropriate?
Are there measures we should take to ensure that the NEC has the necessary skills and expertise to function as an effective Board?
Current NEC structure
How to respond
Action Points
  • Please respond by 1 September
For more information
Karen Wilkie, Board Secretary