NEC & CPDC elections – supporting nominations

Karen Wilkie
For attention of:
, ,
16th February 2023
Last updated:
16th February 2023
24th February 2025
Other formats:

Party Council and Branch supporting nomination meetings for the NEC regional candidates and CPDC must place by 11 March.

Self-nominations for the NEC Elections 2023-26 closed on 12 February.  Party Councils and branches are now invited to submit supporting nominations for candidates for the eleven seats to represent Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, and the English regions.

You can find a full list of NEC candidates and their election statements here.

Each party council and branch may make up to two supporting nominations, at least one of which must be for a woman. Only one valid nomination was received for Wales, so that candidate will be declared elected and supporting nominations are not required.

Supporting nominations must be agreed at a quorate meeting to which all eligible members have been invited.  They may only be made for candidates in your section, although they may be for a someone from a different region.  For example, a branch in London may nominate a candidate from the East region, or vice versa.

Ideally, you will have already scheduled these meetings to take place after the hustings for your nation or region, when members will have had a chance to hear the candidates speak and to submit questions.  You can find the dates for your local husting and register here.  If you haven’t already sent notice for your nomination meeting, it would be a good idea to include the link to your region’s hustings and encourage your members to attend and submit questions.

Information on the NEC candidates, as submitted with their nomination, is available on the Party’s website here and no other materials should be circulated. Candidates should not attend supporting nomination meetings. The exception to this is a candidates’ own branch, where they may speak and vote.

The closing date for party councils and branches to submit supporting nominations for the NEC (& CPDC – see below) is 12 March.  See below for the form to submit your branch or party council’s nomination.

Supporting nominations are only being invited for your national or regional candidates.  Party Councils and branches should not seek to endorse candidates for the BAME, (dis)Ability, LGBTQ+, Elected Representatives or Youth positions, as not all members in your branch or party council will be eligible to attend those hustings or vote.

NEC 2023 – Supporting Nomination Form

Action Points

NEC & CPDC elections – supporting nominations