We continue to adapt our approach to combatting modern slavery as those who seek to profit out of human misery seek to evade law
enforcement. Let’s hope that the Government reflects on what an achievement the Modern Slavery Act was and not as we fear, seek to unpick it.
On Islington Council, we’re working hard to fight the scourge of modern slavery.
The Government’s long-awaited Food Strategy does not take hunger seriously
We continue to adapt our approach to combatting modern slavery as those who seek to profit out of human misery seek to evade law
enforcement. Let’s hope that the Government reflects on what an achievement the Modern Slavery Act was and not as we fear, seek to unpick it.
We’re committing to proactively working to end modern slavery in Birmingham
We continue to adapt our approach to combatting modern slavery as those who seek to profit out of human misery seek to evade law
enforcement. Let’s hope that the Government reflects on what an achievement the Modern Slavery Act was and not as we fear, seek to unpick it.