
Reaching consensus in tackling climate change through Citizens Assemblies

Building on the Co-operative Party’s longstanding commitment to action on climate change and our belief that we can achieve more for our environment when working co-operatively than we can alone, I’m pleased to be outlining plans for a Citizens Assembly for dealing with our climate crisis.

The case for reforming private renting

Based on conversations with Britain's growing army of private renters, IPPR's latest report is a timely reminder of the scale of the crisis—one that co‑operative solutions can play a key role in solving.

We need to work together to keep shop workers safe

Police, businesses and many other agencies need to work together to tackle offenders and keep workers safe. And we need a properly funded police service so shop workers get the right response, when they need it.

Academic or vocational learning—why not both?

Young people will need a mix of academic and vocational skills to thrive in the workplace of the future. The co-operative movement is taking the first step towards making it happen.