24th November 2013 Comment on media speculation Claire McCarthy Former General Secretary Comment from the Co-operative Party on speculation in this weekend's newspapers.
21st November 2013 What’s missing in the debate on the NHS? People. Ed Mayo Secretary General Co-operatives UK There is more to do to create a health service based on genuine mutuality between the professionals and the public.
11th November 2013 Tributes to Helen Eadie MSP Claire McCarthy Former General Secretary The Co-operative Party is very sad to learn of the death of Scottish Labour and Co-operative MSP Helen Eadie.
1st November 2013 Scottish Co-operative Party on campaign benwest Working with our sister party, Scottish Co-operative Party members deliver victory in the Dumfermline Holyrood byelection.
23rd October 2013 Westminster Hall debate on Co-operative Schools benwest A recent Westminster Hall debate reveals strong support for Co-operative schools from figures in both parties.
17th October 2013 Your victory on Payday Lenders Claire McCarthy Former General Secretary Ed Miliband's announcement of plans for a levy on payday lenders is a victory for Co-operative Party activists across the country.