19th December 2013 Consumers need a single consumer champion Claire McCarthy Former General Secretary The Government's announcement on 'super complaints' is welcome, but consumers need it to go much further
19th December 2013 Kezia Dugdale highlights dangers of debt this Christmas benwest Co-operative Party MSP joined by Santa and the Citizens Advice Bureau at debate on regulation of payday lenders
5th December 2013 A People’s Railway for Scotland benwest The Co-operative Party calls for the creation of a 'People's Railway', owned by and for the people of Scotland
3rd December 2013 Beyond the Big Six Gareth Thomas MP Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Department for Business and Trade Energy co-operatives can deliver a better deal for consumers - but to take on the big 6, they need greater support.
24th November 2013 Comment on media speculation Claire McCarthy Former General Secretary Comment from the Co-operative Party on speculation in this weekend's newspapers.
21st November 2013 What’s missing in the debate on the NHS? People. Ed Mayo Secretary General Co-operatives UK There is more to do to create a health service based on genuine mutuality between the professionals and the public.
11th November 2013 Tributes to Helen Eadie MSP Claire McCarthy Former General Secretary The Co-operative Party is very sad to learn of the death of Scottish Labour and Co-operative MSP Helen Eadie.
1st November 2013 Scottish Co-operative Party on campaign benwest Working with our sister party, Scottish Co-operative Party members deliver victory in the Dumfermline Holyrood byelection.
23rd October 2013 Westminster Hall debate on Co-operative Schools benwest A recent Westminster Hall debate reveals strong support for Co-operative schools from figures in both parties.