11th September 2020 We need the Green Shares Bill to help create a greener, fairer economy Anna Birley
8th September 2020 Co-operative Party National Executive Committee Election Results Karen Wilkie Company Board Secretary
7th September 2020 To #SustainTheGame we need clear ownership and transparency in football gobrien Football clubs are community assets, emotionally owned by everyone and financially owned by the few.
1st September 2020 Owning the Future – A Co-operative Programme for Government in Scotland Richard McCready Political Officer (Scotland)
25th August 2020 Our journey to make West Lothian a hunger-free county Cllr Kirsteen Sullivan Councillor for the Blackburn & Whitburn Ward, West Lothian We have lived through what may perhaps be the biggest health crisis many of us will see in our lifetime. However despite the challenges, we have renewed our commitment to eliminate hunger in our communities.
5th August 2020 Behind the beauty of Suffolk lies a hidden food poverty crisis – so we’re taking action to end it Jack Abbott Labour and Co-operative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Ipswich We live in the sixth-richest nation in the world. No one, least of all children, should be going hungry. But while the UK is committed to eradicating hunger by 2030, the injustice of food poverty is growing, not abating.
5th August 2020 Covid-19 hasn’t stopped Co-operation in Parliament Rob Bates Former Political and Parliamentary Officer The Covid-19 outbreak has proven an extraordinary test for Parliament, not simply in the way it operates but the challenges which have required its attention.
4th August 2020 Remembering John Hume Tony McMullan The news of John Hume's passing on is an incredibly sad day - when one of the giants of Northern Ireland politics has left us.