Blog – Page 61 – Co-operative Party

Time for a Right to Food in Scotland

Putting the right to food into law will not end food banks overnight, but it will set Scotland on a path of joined-up, coherent policy to make sure that everyone has reliable access to healthy, sustainable food for themselves and their families.

Does your morning coffee contribute its fair share of tax?

Every time we shop, we have a choice to make. Do we choose to shop with businesses who pay their fair share of tax, or do we choose to contribute to the profits of firms registered in tax havens, with complex structures that help them pay lower taxes?

Why we need to build on the success of co-operative housing in Wales

To put Britain’s lack of co-operative housing in perspective, there are more co-operative housing homes in Vancouver than the whole of Great Britain. With the shortage of affordable housing in Wales, we cannot afford to not take every possible opportunity to increase the number of properties available.

The challenge for our movement

Black History Month once again raises a challenge for our Labour and Co-operative party – how do we promote black and minority ethnic (BAME) representation within our movement?