31st March 2017 An open letter to the co-operative movement Claire McCarthy Former General Secretary Co-operative Party General Secretary Claire McCarthy has written an open letter to the co-operative movement, reflecting on our achievements over the past 100 years, and thanking those who founded the Party and who continue to support it today.
29th March 2017 Ownership matters, because who owns a business dictates in whose interests it is run. Claire McCarthy Former General Secretary For a long time, progressives have rightly been concerned about ownership in the public sector and with who owns our public services. But delivering our vision of a fairer, more equal society means paying attention to who owns the private sector too.
29th March 2017 ‘Co-operation has always been at the heart of Labour politics – it’s a founding principle, not an optional add-on.’ Alun Michael Former Police and Crime Commissioner for South Wales Fraternal greetings delivered at this year's Welsh Labour Conference in Llandudno
28th March 2017 1.7million people don’t have access to banking. How do we ensure financial services aren’t just for the rich? Joe Fortune General Secretary A recent report from the House of Lords sets out some of the steps the Government can take to tackle the growing problem of Financial Exclusion
27th March 2017 The battles for true local control: the Co-operative Party and local elections Joe Fortune General Secretary With this year's local election campaign nearing its closing stages, it's time for all of us to work to ensure a strong voice for co-operation in local government
27th March 2017 Co-operative MSPs lead debate in Holyrood on Loneliness Rhoda Grant MSP for Highlands and Islands
24th March 2017 Democracy going beyond the ballot box Emma Hoddinott Assistant General Secretary (Representation & Political Affairs) In Wales, co-operatives and co-operation hold the key to challenge some of the everyday sense of powerlessness felt by many across the country.
23rd March 2017 Trickle down economics is dead, and community wealth is replacing it. Archived: Ben West Communications & Digital Officer Emma Hoddinott Assistant General Secretary (Representation & Political Affairs) Over the past week, we've welcomed Ted Howard, founder of the Democracy Collaborative, to the UK to learn more about a model which is making policy makers across the political spectrum in the US sit up and take notice, and seeing what the lessons might be for communities the UK.
17th March 2017 By offering skills and not just accommodation, housing co-ops in Wales are giving homeless young people their dignity back Dharma Simmons Too often, homeless hostels are more of a revolving door than somewhere to reboot your life. But a new kind of housing complex supported by local co-operatives offers not only accommodation, but support in developing life skills to stay off the streets.