15th February 2017 Postcards from Germany: an energy revolution, and how it happened Archived: Ben West Communications & Digital Officer In recent months, a delegation from the Party, in partnership with FES, investigated how co-operative and mutual approaches are key to Germany’s economic success. So what are the lessons for the UK? In the first of a two part series, Communications Officer Ben West looks at what we can learn from Germany's community energy revolution.
15th February 2017 The labour and co-operative movements were formed out of the first industrial revolution. Now we must adapt to the next. Tom Watson MP Automation and artificial intelligence are likely to transform the world of work every bit as profoundly as mechanisation shaped the 19th century.
13th February 2017 Tech giants make billions from our most intimate personal data. Isn’t it time we took back control? Hugh Goulbourne Chair of the Huddersfield and Colne Valley Co-op Party From what we buy and eat to how we sleep and socialise, big data is transforming our lives. And through data co-operatives, we have the chance to ensure it benefits us all, not just big business
10th February 2017 Pushing the Scottish Government to go further to support co-operatives Richard McCready Political Officer (Scotland) This week the Scottish Parliament examined the Scottish Government's plans to support co-operative and social enterprise in Scotland. So why does the paper fail to include any mention of the development body the scottish government established to do just that?
9th February 2017 Rebuilding our Co-op Richard Pennycook Our Co-op is back, and in post financial-crisis, post-Brexit Britain, we have the opportunity to show that the spirit of the Rochdale Pioneers lives on
7th February 2017 Tackling tax avoiders must be at the heart of a co-operative vision for a fair economy Richard Murphy For too long tax avoidance has gone unchecked. It's time to put fair tax at the heart of our fight for a fair society.
6th February 2017 In Our Interests: Co-operative Party economy conference James Scott Following last week's economy conference in London, policy officer James Scott provides a summary of the day's activity.
2nd February 2017 There has never been a greater need for a new economy than right now Marc Stears In the midst of all the upheaval that will last for years, a surge of constructive energy is being generated across Britain that can crack open new possibilities for change
30th January 2017 Campaign win: all aboard the People’s Bus Service in Witney Archived: Ben West Communications & Digital Officer After a year of work by local Labour & Co-operative councillors to save local bus services for the community, the People’s Bus service in Witney carries its first passengers today