Food Justice Campaign Officer Briefing

James Butler
For attention of:
27th March 2019
Last updated:
20th May 2019
16th July 2024
Other formats:

The Co-operative Party’s Food Justice Campaign has national and local asks. There are specific asks for Westminster, Holyrood and Welsh Assembly Government – click here to find out more.

There are common asks of local government: asking councils to consider nominating a lead member for food poverty, developing a “food plan” and working with (or setting one up if it doesn’t exist) a Food Partnership. Often Labour and Labour and Co-operative councils will be doing some of this already.

This briefing explains what officers and branches can do to support our Food Justice Campaign.

Sign up to the campaign - and share it online
Hold a meeting - invite a speaker
Use our petition
Take our motion to a Labour Party meeting
Food Mapping
Celebrate existing best practice
Practical support
For more information
James Butler

Campaigns Officer