30th January 2019 Accessing Branch Membership Lists For the attention of: All Party Officers, Party Branch Secretaries, Party Council Secretaries We've restored access to the online membership dashboard - here's how you can access it.
30th January 2019 Delegates to Constituency Labour Parties (CLPs) For the attention of: All Party Officers, Party Branch Secretaries, Party Council Secretaries We've updated our procedures on how branches elect delegates to CLPs including information on gender-balanced delegations, how to run elections and how affiliation fees have paid.
3rd August 2018 Officer Hub and Officer queries. For the attention of: All Party Officers, NEC, Parliamentarians, Party Branch Secretaries, Party Council Secretaries, Regional Secretaries
3rd November 2017 Annual General Meeting Minutes For the attention of: All Party Officers, Party Branch Secretaries, Party Council Secretaries, Regional Secretaries Minutes of Annual General Meeting held at Methodist Central Hall, Westminster on Friday 13 October 2017
30th October 2017 Protecting our members’ data For the attention of: All Party Officers, Party Branch Secretaries, Party Council Secretaries, Regional Secretaries The Data Protection Act (1998) applies to all levels of the Co-operative Party (including branches) and to all data held by the Party such as membership records and emails.
20th March 2017 Delegate Registration 2017 For the attention of: All Party Officers, Party Branch Secretaries, Party Council Secretaries Co-operative Party Annual Conference returns to London on 13-15 October as we mark our centenary and set out our ambitious plans to re-found the Party for another 100 years.
7th December 2016 2017 Policy Process For the attention of: All Party Members, Party Branch Secretaries Here's what you need to know to ensure your local party is able to get involved and input into this year's policy development process.