16th January 2018 Policy Consultation: Britain Leaving the European Union For the attention of: All Party Members, All Party Officers Today we're pleased to launch the Party's 2018 policy consultation process. Held annually, these consultations are an opportunity to have your say on the Party's position on key issues. Submissions made via the process over the year form the starting point for debates at regional conferences throughout the year and at National Conference, which is held in October.
16th January 2018 Policy Consultation: An economy where wealth and power are shared For the attention of: All Party Members, All Party Officers Today we're pleased to launch the Party's 2018 policy consultation process. Held annually, these consultations are an opportunity to have your say on the Party's position on key issues. Submissions made via the process over the year form the starting point for debates at regional conferences throughout the year and at National Conference, which is held in October.
9th January 2018 Officer Support Mailing – January 2018 For the attention of: All Party Officers, NEC Happy New Year! Welcome to the first Officer Support Mailing of 2018.
13th December 2017 Officer Support Mailing – December 2017 For the attention of: All Party Officers Welcome to the final Officer Support Mailing for 2017. On behalf of all of the staff may I wish you a wonderful Christmas time and a brilliant New Year. Thank you for everything you have done for the Party in our Centenary year.
6th November 2017 Sexual Harassment Complaints Policy For the attention of: All Party Members, All Party Officers The Co-operative Party believes that our co-operative values should be reflected in our actions as well as our policies. We want all members to feel safe, welcome and respected in our Party.
3rd November 2017 Annual General Meeting Minutes For the attention of: All Party Officers, Party Branch Secretaries, Party Council Secretaries, Regional Secretaries Minutes of Annual General Meeting held at Methodist Central Hall, Westminster on Friday 13 October 2017
30th October 2017 Protecting our members’ data For the attention of: All Party Officers, Party Branch Secretaries, Party Council Secretaries, Regional Secretaries The Data Protection Act (1998) applies to all levels of the Co-operative Party (including branches) and to all data held by the Party such as membership records and emails.
27th October 2017 Archived: Local Government Selections Guidance For the attention of: Council Candidates, Party Council Secretaries Best Practice Guide for Party Councils relating to the selection of Co-op Party candidates for Local Government (County, District, Met and Unitary elections)
10th July 2017 Stand for election to become a Co-op Party Youth Rep For the attention of: Co-op Party Youth, Party Council Secretaries As the Co-operative Party marks its centenary in 2017, it does so with a record number of youth members and a growing group of young Co-operative Councillors across the country.